Planetary coverage documentation#

The planetary-coverage package is a toolbox to perform surface coverage analysis based on orbital trajectory calculations. Its main intent is to provide an easy way to compute observation opportunities of specific region of interest above the Galilean satellites for the ESA-Juice mission but could be extended in the future to other space mission.

It is actively developed by the Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers Nantes Atlantique (OSUNA, CNRS-UAR 3281) and the Laboratory of Planetology and Geosciences (LPG, CNRS-UMR 6112) at Nantes University (France), under ESA-Juice and CNES founding support.

Logos OSUNA / LPG / Nantes Université / CNRS / CNES / ESA / Juice



If you have access to a Jupyter environnement, ie. a local JupyterLab or a remote JupyterHub, like ESA DataLabs, we recommend to use the first method of installation.

The latest version of the planetary-coverage is 1.1.0 and is available on Python Package Index (PyPI) and conda-forge. You can install it with pip or conda:


If you need to perform pointing simulations for the ESA-Juice mission. You will need to install an optional dependency (esa-ptr). More details can be found here.

In your Jupyter environment, go to File > New > Notebook to create a new notebook and in the first cell, type:

%pip install planetary-coverage

Execute the cell with ⇧ Shift + ↵ Enter and you should get the latest version of the planetary-coverage.

You can check which version was installed, restart the Jupyter kernel and run the following command:

%load_ext planetary_coverage

Changes and updates#

The planetary-coverage adheres to semantic versioning, ie. the version number will have the following pattern:


New releases are available on irregular basis. All the changes are reported in the changelog. If you want to get the latest version, you need to add a --upgrade flag to the installation command above.

How to cite this package#

If you use this package for your analyses, please consider using the following citation:

Seignovert et al. 2023, Planetary coverage package (1.1.0),, swh:1:rel:8416d4a23e2d695ce68c35f22aace9281c25dbaa

or can use this BibTeX file.

Issues and feedback#

If you have any issue with this package, we highly recommend to take a look at:

If you did not find a solution there, don’t hesitate to:

The planetary-coverage is distributed under a open-source BSD-3 clauses license. Bug reports and contributions are encouraged and always welcome.