Source code for planetary_coverage.projections.proj

"""Abstract projection module."""

import numpy as np

from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection, PathCollection
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
from matplotlib.path import Path

from ..math import cs

[docs]class Projection: """Abstract ground projection object.""" EPSILON = 1e-10 PROJ4 = None # Proj4 projection key def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __call__(self, *args, invert=False, **kwargs): """Project geographic point in X-Y coordinates (or reverse).""" if len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], (PatchCollection, PathCollection)): return self.xy_collection(args[0]) if isinstance(args[0], PathPatch): return self.xy_patch(args[0]) if isinstance(args[0], Path): return self.xy_path(args[0]) if len(args) == 2 or (len(args) == 3 and self.PROJ4 == 'ortho'): return self.lonlat(*args) if invert else self.xy(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter # noqa: E501 raise ValueError('A `PatchCollection`, `PathPatch`, `Patch` ' 'or (lon_e, lat) attributes are required.') @property def extent(self): """Projection extent.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def xy(self, lon_e, lat, value=None): """Convert latitude/longitude coordinates in map coordinates. Parameters ---------- lon_e: float or array East longitude [degree]. lat: float or array Latitude [degree]. value: float or array Value associated with the point. Returns ------- float or array, float or array X-Y map coordinates. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def lonlat(self, x, y): """Convert map coordinates in latitude/longitude coordinates. Parameters ---------- x: float or array X-coordinate on the map [m]. y: float or array Y-coordinate on the map [m]. Returns ------- float or array, float or array East longitude and latitude [degree]. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def xy_plot(self, lons_e, lats, values=None): """Plot latitude/longitude coordinates in a map. Parameters ---------- lons_e: float or array East longitude [degree]. lats: float or array Latitude [degree]. values: float or array Values associated with the points. Returns ------- float or array, float or array X-Y map coordinates. """ return self.xy(lons_e, lats, value=values)
[docs] def vc(self, path): """Get projected vertices and codes (and close the polygon if needed). Parameters ---------- path: matplotlib.path.Path Matplotlib path in east-longitude and latitude coordinates. Returns ------- [float], [float], [int] X and Y vertices and path code. """ x, y = self.xy(*path.vertices.T) # Add codes if missing if is None and len(x) > 1: codes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * (len(x) - 2) + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] else: codes = n_polygons = np.equal(codes, Path.MOVETO).sum() # Close the path (only if 1 polygon present) if n_polygons == 1 and (x[0] != x[-1] or y[0] != y[-1]): x = np.concatenate([x, [x[0]]]) y = np.concatenate([y, [y[0]]]) if codes[-1] == Path.CLOSEPOLY: codes = np.concatenate([codes[:-1], [Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY]]) else: codes = np.concatenate([codes, [Path.CLOSEPOLY]]) return np.transpose([x, y]), codes
[docs] def xy_path(self, path): """Convert path vertices in map coordinates. Parameters ---------- path: matplotlib.path.Path Matplotlib path in east-longitude and latitude coordinates. Returns ------- matplotlib.path.Path Path in map coordinates. """ return None if path is None else Path(*
[docs] def xy_patch(self, patch): """Convert patch vertices in map coordinates. Parameters ---------- patch: matplotlib.patches.Patch Matplotlib patch in east-longitude and latitude coordinates. Returns ------- matplotlib.patches.Patch Patch in map coordinates. Note ---- Only face and edge colors are preserved. """ return PathPatch( self.xy_path(patch.get_path()), alpha=patch.get_alpha(), facecolor=patch.get_fc(), edgecolor=patch.get_ec(), linewidth=patch.get_linewidth(), linestyle=patch.get_linestyle(), zorder=patch.get_zorder(), label=patch.get_label(), )
[docs] def xy_collection(self, collection): """Convert collection vertices in map coordinates. Parameters ---------- collection: matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection or \ matplotlib.collections.PathCollection Matplotlib collection in west-longitude and latitude coordinates. Returns ------- PatchCollection or PathCollection Collection in map coordinates. """ kwargs = { 'alpha': collection.get_alpha(), 'facecolors': collection.get_facecolor(), 'edgecolors': collection.get_edgecolor(), 'linewidth': collection.get_linewidth(), 'linestyle': collection.get_linestyle(), 'zorder': collection.get_zorder(), 'label': collection.get_label(), } if isinstance(collection, PathCollection): paths = collection.get_paths() offsets = collection.get_offsets() sizes = collection.get_sizes() # Reshape paths and offsets if len(paths) == 1 and len(offsets) > 1: paths = len(offsets) * list(paths) elif len(paths) > 1 and len(offsets) == 1: offsets = len(paths) * list(offsets) elif len(paths) != len(offsets): raise ValueError('Paths and offsets must have the same size: ' f'{len(paths)} vs. {len(offsets)}') # Set default sizes, if not provided if sizes.size == 0: sizes = np.full((len(paths),), 4) elif len(sizes) == 1 and len(paths) > 1: sizes = len(paths) * list(sizes) elif len(paths) != len(sizes): raise ValueError('Paths and sizes must have the same size: ' f'{len(paths)} vs. {len(sizes)}') coll = PathCollection([ self.xy_path( Path(path.vertices * np.sqrt(size) / 2 + offset, ) if path is not None else None for path, offset, size in zip(paths, offsets, sizes) ], **kwargs) if collection.get_array() is not None: coll.set_array(collection.get_array()) coll.set_cmap(collection.get_cmap()) coll.set_norm(collection.norm) coll.set_edgecolor(None) return coll # Regular PatchCollection object return PatchCollection([ PathPatch(self.xy_path(path)) for path in collection.get_paths() ], **kwargs)
[docs] def meridians(self, lons_e=None, exclude=None, lon_e_min=0, lon_e_max=360, dlon_e=30, lat_min=-80, lat_max=80, nlat=65): """Projected meridians grid.""" if lons_e is None: nlon_e = int((lon_e_max - lon_e_min) / dlon_e) lons_e = np.linspace(lon_e_min, lon_e_max, nlon_e + 1) elif isinstance(lons_e, (int, float)): lons_e = [lons_e] if exclude is None or isinstance(exclude, (int, float)): exclude = [] if exclude is None else [exclude] lats = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, nlat) return np.moveaxis([ self(lon_e, lats) for lon_e in lons_e if lon_e not in exclude ], 0, 2)
[docs] def parallels(self, lats=None, exclude=None, lat_min=-80, lat_max=80, dlat=10, lon_e_min=0, lon_e_max=360, nlon_e=73): """Projected parallels grid.""" if lats is None: nlat = int((lat_max - lat_min) / dlat) lats = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, nlat + 1) elif isinstance(lats, (int, float)): lats = [lats] if exclude is None or isinstance(exclude, (int, float)): exclude = [] if exclude is None else [exclude] lons_e = np.linspace(lon_e_min, lon_e_max, nlon_e) return np.moveaxis([ self(lons_e, lat) for lat in lats if lat not in exclude ], 0, 2)
[docs]class GroundProjection(Projection): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Abstract ground projection object. Parameters ---------- lon_e_0: float, optional Center east longitude. lat_0: float, optional Center latitude. target: str Body name. radius: float, optional Body radius [km]. """ DEFAULT_RADIUS_KM = 1e-3 # = 1 [m] def __init__(self, lon_e_0=0, lat_0=0, target=None, radius=None): self.lon_e_0 = lon_e_0 self.lat_0 = lat_0 = target self.radius = radius def __repr__(self): return (f'<{self}> Target: {}' f'\n\tProj4: `{self.proj4}`') @property def lat_0(self): """Latitude of origin [degree].""" return self.__lat_0 @lat_0.setter def lat_0(self, value): """Set latitude of origin value.""" self.__lat_0 = value self.__clat0, self.__slat0 = cs(value) @property def clat0(self): """Cosine of latitude of origin.""" return self.__clat0 @property def slat0(self): """Sine of latitude of origin.""" return self.__slat0 @property def lon_e_0(self): """East central meridian [degree].""" return self.__lon_e_0 @lon_e_0.setter def lon_e_0(self, value): """Set east central meridian value.""" self.__lon_e_0 = value % 360 self.__clon0_e, self.__slon0_e = cs(value) @property def clon0_e(self): """Cosine of west central meridian.""" return self.__clon0_e @property def slon0_e(self): """Sine of west central meridian.""" return self.__slon0_e @property def target(self): """Body target.""" return self.__target @target.setter def target(self, name): """Set target name.""" self.__target = 'Undefined' if name is None else name @property def radius(self): """Target body radius [km].""" return self.__r * 1e-3 @radius.setter def radius(self, value_km): """Set radius and convert from [km] to [m].""" if value_km is None: self.__r = self.DEFAULT_RADIUS_KM * 1e3 else: self.__r = value_km * 1e3 @property def r(self): """Target body radius [m].""" return self.__r @property def proj4(self): """Proj4 definition.""" return ' '.join([ f'+proj={self.PROJ4}', f'+lat_0={self.lat_0}', f'+lon_0={self.lon_e_0}', '+k=1', '+x_0=0', '+y_0=0', f'+a={self.r}', f'+b={self.r}', '+units=m', '+no_defs', ]) @property def wkt(self): """WKT definition.""" return ( f'PROJCS["PROJCS_{}_{self}",' f'GEOGCS["GCS_{}",' f'DATUM["D_{}",' f'SPHEROID["{}_Mean_Sphere", {int(self.r)}, 0]],' 'PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],' 'UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],' f'PROJECTION["{self}"],' 'PARAMETER["false_easting", 0],' 'PARAMETER["false_northing", 0],' 'PARAMETER["scale_factor", 1],' f'PARAMETER["central_meridian", {self.lon_e_0}],' f'PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", {self.lat_0}],' 'UNIT["Meter", 1]]' )