Source code for planetary_coverage.spice.kernel

"""Kernel data parser.

The full kernel specifications are available on NAIF website:


import datetime as dt
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from re import findall

import numpy as np

import spiceypy as sp

from .datetime import datetime
from ..misc import file_size

CONTINUATION = defaultdict(lambda: '//', **{
    'PATH_VALUES': '+',
    'KERNELS_TO_LOAD': '+',

# SPICE constrains

    '.bc': 'CK',     # binary
    '.bds': 'DSK',   # binary
    '.bes': 'EK',    # binary
    '.bpc': 'PCK',   # binary
    '.bsp': 'SPK',   # binary
    '.tf': 'FK',     # text
    '.ti': 'IK',     # text
    '.tls': 'LSK',   # text
    '.tm': 'MK',     # text
    '.tpc': 'PCK',   # text
    '.tsc': 'SCLK',  # text

    'CK': '📷',
    'DSK': '⛰️',
    'EK': '🎤',
    'FK': '🖼️',
    'IK': '🔬',
    'LSK': '⏱️',
    'MK': '📚',
    'PCK': '🪐',
    'SCLK': '🛰️',
    'SPK': '🚀',

# User home folder
HOME = str(Path.home())

[docs]def kernel_parser(fname): """Kernel content and data parser. Parameters ---------- fname: str or pathlib.Path Kernel file name to parse. Returns ------- str, dict Kernel whole content and parsed data. """ content = Path(fname).read_text(encoding='utf-8') return content, get_data(content)
def get_data(content) -> dict: """Extract data from a kernel content. Support line continuation (``//`` or ``+``) and value assignment (``+=``). """ data = {} last_key = False for line in extract_data(content): key, value = parse(line) if key is not None and key.endswith('+'): last_key = key[:-1].strip() key = None if last_key not in data: data[last_key] = [] elif not isinstance(data[last_key], list): data[last_key] = [data[last_key]] if key is not None and value is not None: data[key] = value last_key = key elif last_key and value is not None: if isinstance(value, list): data[last_key].extend(value) else: data[last_key].append(value) return { key: concatenate(key, values) for key, values in data.items() } def extract_data(content): """Extract data from content. Extract all the lines in the `\\begindata` sections. Parameters ---------- content: str Kernel content. Returns ------- [str] List of data lines. """ begindata = False for line in content.splitlines(): if r'\begindata' in line: begindata = True elif r'\begintext' in line: begindata = False elif begindata: yield line def concatenate(key, values): """Concatenate string list with a continuation character(s). Parameters ---------- key: str Kernel key values: [str, …] Parsed kernel values (list of strings). Returns ------- any Concatenated value(s) if the continuation character was found. Note ---- The continued string character is ``//`` except in metakernels for which the keys ``PATH_VALUES`` and ``KERNELS_TO_LOAD`` are continued with the ``+`` marker. If the key is ``PATH_SYMBOLS``, no continuation marker is supported. """ if not (isinstance(values, list) and isinstance(values[0], str)): return values sep = CONTINUATION[key] end = -len(sep) cat_values, continuation = [], False for value in values: val, _continue = (value[:end], True) if value.endswith(sep) else (value, False) if continuation: cat_values[-1] += val else: cat_values.append(val) continuation = _continue return cat_values def parse(line): """Parse data line.""" if match := findall(r'^(\s*[\w/]+\s*\+?)=(.*)', line): k, v = match[0] key, value = k.strip(), read(v) if '(' in line and not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] return key, value return None, read(line) def read(value): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements """Read the kernel value value. - String must be single quoted. - Double single quote are replace by a unique single quote. - Trailing space in continued string (with ``//``) is removed. - Engineering notation with an ``E`` or a ``D`` is supported. """ v = value.strip() if v in ['', ')']: return None if v.endswith(',') or v.endswith(')'): return read(v[:-1]) if v.startswith('('): if "'" in v: return read(v[1:]) sep = ',' if ',' in v else None return [read(val) for val in v[1:].split(sep)] if v.startswith("'") and v.endswith("'"): s = v[1:-1] if "'" in s and "''" not in s: sep = ',' if ',' in s else None return [read(val) for val in v.split(sep)] s = s.replace("''", "'") if '//' in s: s = s.split('//', 1)[0] + '//' return s if ',' in v or ' ' in v: sep = ',' if ',' in v else None return [read(val) for val in v.split(sep)] if v.startswith("@"): return datetime(v[1:]) return float(v.replace('D', 'E')) if '.' in v else int(v)
[docs]def format_data(indent=4, sep=', ', fmt=False, eq='=', **kwargs): """Format raw data into a text-kernel complaint string. SPICE constrains: - All assignments, or portions of an assignment, occurring on a line must not exceed 132 characters, including the assignment operator and any leading or embedded white space. Metakernel only: - When continuing the value field (a file name) over multiple lines, the continuation marker must be a single ``+`` character. - The maximum length of any file name, including any path specification, is 255 characters (not enforced here, see :func:`planetary_coverage.spice.Metakernel.check` for more details). Parameters ---------- indent: int, optional Number of indentation sep: str, optional Separator character in vectors (default: ``', '``). fmt: bool, optional Optional value formatter (e.g. ``.3E`` for ``1.23E-3``). eq: str, optional Key-value equal sign (default: ``'='``). **kwargs: any Data keyword(s) and value(s) to format. Returns ------- str Formatted key and value. Raises ------ KeyError If a key length is larger than 32 characters. ValueError If a indentation will create a line larger than 132 characters. """ key_max_length = max(map(len, kwargs)) if key_max_length > KEY_MAX_LENGTH: raise KeyError(f'The keys length must be ≤ {KEY_MAX_LENGTH} ' f'({key_max_length}).') indent_length = indent + key_max_length + len(eq) + 4 # len(" KEY = ( ") value_max_length = VALUE_MAX_LENGTH + 2 # len("'VALUE'") sep_length = max(2, len(sep.rstrip())) # len(" )") or len(",") if indent_length + value_max_length + sep_length > LINE_MAX_LENGTH: raise ValueError(f'Indent will exceed the {LINE_MAX_LENGTH} character limit ' f'({indent_length + value_max_length + sep_length}).') lines_sep = f'{sep.rstrip()}\n{indent_length * " "}' data = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): values = format_value(value, continuation=CONTINUATION[key.upper()], fmt=fmt) if isinstance(values, list): lines, line = [], values[0] for val in values[1:]: line_length = indent_length + len(line) + len(sep) + len(val) + sep_length if line_length < LINE_MAX_LENGTH and len(val) < VALUE_MAX_LENGTH // 4: line += sep + val else: lines.append(line) line = val lines.append(line) # Suffix the last line with spaces based on the longest line suffix_spaces = max(map(len, lines)) suffix_spaces += len(sep.rstrip()) if len(lines) > 1 else 0 suffix_spaces -= len(lines[-1]) values = f'( {lines_sep.join(lines)}{suffix_spaces * " "} )' indent_key = f"{indent * ' '}{key.upper()}{(key_max_length - len(key)) * ' '}" data.append(f"{indent_key} {eq} {values}") return '\n'.join(data)
def format_value(value, continuation='//', fmt=False): """Format kernel value. SPICE constrains: - String values are supplied by quoting the string using a single quote at each end of the string. - If you need to include a single quote in the string value, use the FORTRAN convention of `doubling` the quote. - Everything between the single quotes, including white space and the continuation marker, counts towards the limit of 80 characters in the length of each string element. Parameters ---------- value: any Data value(s) to format. continuation: str, optional Continuation character(s) (default: ``//``). fmt: bool, optional Optional value formatter (e.g. ``.3E`` for ``1.23E-3``). Returns ------- str or [str, …] Data formatted for key and value. The value will be split if its length is larger than the 80 characters limit. The values lengths ≤ 82. """ if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(value, np.datetime64): return f'@{value.item().strftime(fmt)}' if fmt else f'@{value}' if isinstance(value, (dt.datetime, return f'@{value:{fmt}}' if fmt else f'@{value}' if not isinstance(value, (str, Path)): return f'{value:{fmt}}' if fmt else f'{value}' value = str(value).replace("'", "''") # Replace tilde character with home directory value = value.replace('~', HOME) if len(value) <= VALUE_MAX_LENGTH: return f"'{value:{fmt}}'" if fmt else f"'{value}'" return list(chunk_string(value, length=VALUE_MAX_LENGTH, continuation=continuation)) values = [] for val in value: v = format_value(val, continuation=continuation, fmt=fmt) if isinstance(v, list): values.extend(v) else: values.append(v) return values def chunk_string(string, length=VALUE_MAX_LENGTH, continuation='//'): """Chunk value string to a specific length. The continuation character is included in the length of the final string. Parameters ---------- string: str String to chunk. length: int, optional Max string length (default: 80). continuation: str, optional Continuation character(s) (default: ``//``). Returns ------- list List of chunks of the string. """ if len(string) > length: n = length - len(continuation) beg, end = string[:n] + continuation, string[n:] yield f"'{beg}'" yield from chunk_string(end, length=length, continuation=continuation) else: yield f"'{string}'" def get_item(item, start=0, chunk_size=1_000): """Item getter from the SPICE pool. Warning ------- If a wild string (``*``) or wild character (``%``) is provided, the return value will corresponding to matching key(s) and not its value(s). Parameters ---------- item: str Item key to query. start: int, optional Get the items giving a starting position. chunk_size: int, optional Pool search chunk length (default: 1,000). Returns ------- any Item value from the SPICE pool or the matching key(s) if a wildcard is requested. Raises ------ KeyError If no value is not present in the SPICE pool or the item does not match any key. See Also -------- find_item """ # Wildcard if '*' in item or '%' in item: return find_item(item, start=start, chunk_size=chunk_size) # Value(s) query try: arr = list(sp.gdpool(item, start, chunk_size)) except sp.stypes.NotFoundError: try: arr = list(sp.gcpool(item, start, chunk_size)) except sp.stypes.NotFoundError: raise KeyError(f'`{item}` was not found in the kernel pool.') from None # Large chunks if len(arr) == chunk_size: elements = get_item(item, start=start + chunk_size, chunk_size=chunk_size) if isinstance(elements, list): arr.extend(elements) else: arr.append(elements) return arr if len(arr) > 1 else arr[0] def find_item(item, start=0, chunk_size=1_000): """Find item key in the SPICE pool content. You need to provide an item with a wild string (``*``) or wild character (``%``). Parameters ---------- item: str Item key with a wildcard to search in the pool. start: int, optional Get the items giving a starting position. chunk_size: int, optional Pool search chunk length (default: 1,000). Returns ------- any Item key(s) matching the provided pattern. Raises ------ KeyError If no key in the pool match the provided item. See Also -------- get_item """ try: keys = list(sp.gnpool(item, start, chunk_size)) except sp.stypes.NotFoundError: raise KeyError( f'No item matching `{item}` found in the kernel pool.') from None # Large chunks if len(keys) == chunk_size: keys.extend(get_item(item, start=start + chunk_size, chunk_size=chunk_size)) return sorted(keys)
[docs]def get_type(kernel, default_txt='UNKNOWN', default_icon='❓') -> str: """Get kernel type icon. Parameters ---------- kernel: str or pathlib.Path Kernel filename. default_txt: str, optional Optional default type if the extension is unknown. default_icon: str, optional Optional default type if the kernel type is unknown. Returns ------- str Kernel icon based on it extension. """ ext = Path(kernel).suffix ktype = KERNELS_TYPES.get(ext, default_txt) icon = KERNELS_ICONS.get(ktype, default_icon) return f'{icon} {ktype}'.strip()
[docs]def get_summary(kernels): """Get kernels summary description. Parameters ---------- kernels: [str or pathlib.Path, ...] List of kernel file names. Returns ------- list Summary of kernels count and sizes grouped by types. """ groups = defaultdict(list) for k in kernels: groups[get_type(k)].append(k) # Append the total to the end groups['<b>Total</b>'] = kernels return { 'Types': list(groups.keys()), 'Count': [len(k) for k in groups.values()], 'Size': [file_size(*k, skip=True) for k in groups.values()], }
[docs]def get_details(kernels): """Get kernels detailed description. Parameters ---------- kernels: [str or pathlib.Path, ...] List of kernel file names. Returns ------- list Detailed list of kernels types and sizes. """ return { 'Kernels': kernels, 'Type': [get_type(k) for k in kernels], 'Size': [file_size(k, skip=True) for k in kernels], }