Source code for planetary_coverage.spice.metakernel

"""Metakernel module.

The full metakernel specifications are available on NAIF website:


import re
from functools import reduce
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from pathlib import Path
from platform import system
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

from ._abc import ABCMetaKernel
from .kernel import HOME, format_data, get_details, get_summary, kernel_parser
from .pool import SpicePool, log_spice_pool
from ..html import Html, table
from ..misc import wget

# Disable multi-thread download on Windows by default
DEFAULT_N_THREADS = 1 if system() == 'Windows' else cpu_count()

# NAIF constrains

[docs]class MetaKernel(ABCMetaKernel): """Metakernel object. Parameters ---------- mk: str or pathlib.Path Metakernel file name. download: bool, optional Download the missing kernels (default: ``False``). remote: str or int, optional Remote kernel source. If none is provided (default), the content of the file will be parsed to search for a remote base value (with ``://``). If multiple remotes are present, the first one will be used by default. You can provide an integer to choose which one you want to use. This value is not required if all the kernel are present locally (it is only used to download the missing kernels). load_kernels: bool, optional Load the kernels listed in the metakernel into the SPICE pool. If other kernels are present in the SPICE pool, they will be flushed. n_threads: int, optional Number of threads to open in parallel to download missing kernels. Default: ``DEFAULT_N_THREADS``. On windows, multi-thread download is disable by default (see #80) but you can still specify explicitly the number of thread that you want to use. **kwargs: dict, optional Path key(s) and value(s) to be substituted in ``KERNELS_TO_LOAD``. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the metakernel file does not exists locally. KeyError If the file provided does not a ``KERNELS_TO_LOAD`` key. Or, if a keyword argument is provided but is neither ``PATH_SYMBOLS`` nor ``PATH_VALUES`` are present. ValueError If one of the provided key is not part of the available ``SYMBOLS``. """ _tmp_mk = None def __init__(self, mk, download=False, remote=0, load_kernels=False, n_threads=DEFAULT_N_THREADS, **kwargs): self._content, = None, None self.fname = mk self.remote = remote self.n_threads = n_threads if kwargs: self.update_path_values(**kwargs, download=download) else: self.check(download=download) if load_kernels: self.load_kernels() def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> {self}' def _repr_html_(self): return self.html def __iter__(self): """Iterate on the metakernel itself. This function should be used in combination with :func:`spiceypy.furnsh` function. Ir will create a temporary metakernel file with an edited ``PATH_VALUES`` to load the kernel where they are really located. """ with self as f: yield f def __eq__(self, other): return hash(self) == hash(other) def __hash__(self): """Metakernel content hash.""" return hash(tuple(self.kernels)) def __enter__(self): """Create and open a temporary Metakernel file with the new content.""" if self._tmp_mk is None: self._tmp_mk = NamedTemporaryFile( 'w', prefix=self.fname.stem + '-', suffix='.tm', delete=False, ) self._tmp_mk.write(self.content) return def __exit__(self, *args): """Close and remove the temporary file.""" self._tmp_mk.close() Path( self._tmp_mk = None @property def fname(self): """Metakernel filename.""" return self.__fname @fname.setter def fname(self, fname): """Metakernel filename setter and content checker. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the file does not exists locally. KeyError If the file provided does not a KERNELS_TO_LOAD key. """ self.__fname = Path(fname).expanduser() if not self.fname.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(self.fname) self.load_mk() @property def remote(self): """Kernel remote source.""" return self.__remote @remote.setter def remote(self, remote): """Kernel remote source setter.""" self.__remote = remote if isinstance(remote, str) else self.get_remote(remote)
[docs] def load_mk(self): """Load kernel content and data.""" self._content, = kernel_parser(self.fname) if 'KERNELS_TO_LOAD' not in raise KeyError('KERNELS_TO_LOAD key is missing.')
[docs] def update_path_values(self, download=False, **kwargs): """Update path values. Parameters ---------- download: bool, optional Download the missing kernels (default: ``False``). **kwargs: any Path symbol and value to edit in the file. Raises ------ KeyError If the file provided does not a PATH_VALUES or PATH_SYMBOLS keys. ValueError If the provided key was not part of the available SYMBOLS. """ for required in ('PATH_VALUES', 'PATH_SYMBOLS'): if required not in raise KeyError(f'{required} key is missing') symbols =['PATH_SYMBOLS'] for key, value in kwargs.items(): symbol = key.upper() if symbol not in symbols: raise ValueError(f'Symbol: `{symbol}` is not ' 'part of PATH_SYMBOLS (`' + '`, `'.join(symbols) + '`)') index = symbols.index(symbol)['PATH_VALUES'][index] = str(value).replace('~', HOME) self.check(download=download)
@property def content(self): """Metakernel content.""" if 'PATH_VALUES' not in return self._content return re.sub( r' *PATH_VALUES\s*=\s*\(\s*\'[\w\s\_\-\.\/\\:]+\'\s*\)', lambda _: format_data(['PATH_VALUES']), self._content)
[docs] def get_remote(self, i=0) -> str: """Get remote URL kernel source from the file content. Raises ------ ValueError If more than one remote was found in the content. An explicit remote can be supplied in ``__init__`` to avoid this issue. """ remotes = [line.strip() for line in self.content.splitlines() if '://' in line] if not remotes: return None return remotes[i]
def _replace(self, values) -> list: """Replace symbols by values.""" symbols = ['$' + symbol for symbol in'PATH_SYMBOLS', [])] return [ reduce(lambda s, kv: s.replace(*kv), zip(symbols, values), kernel) for kernel in['KERNELS_TO_LOAD'] ] @property def kernels(self) -> list: """Kernels to load.""" return self._replace('PATH_VALUES', [])) @property def urls(self) -> list: """Kernels urls based on the remote source. If the remote was not provided either in ``__init__`` nor in the file content, the urls will be empty. """ remote, n = self.remote, len('KERNELS_TO_LOAD', [])) return self._replace(n * [remote]) if remote is not None else n * [None]
[docs] def check(self, download=False): """Check if all the kernels are locally available. SPICE constrains: - The maximum length of any file name, including any path specification, is 255 characters. Parameters ---------- download: bool, str Download all the missing kernels. Raises ------ BufferError If the resulting kernel length is larger than the SPICE constrain of 255 characters. FileNotFoundError If the kernel is missing locally. """ missing = [] for kernel, url in zip(self.kernels, self.urls): if len(kernel) > KERNEL_MAX_LENGTH: raise BufferError(f'`{kernel}` is too long ' f'({KERNEL_MAX_LENGTH} characters max).') if not Path(kernel).exists(): if not download: raise MissingKernel(kernel, remote=self.remote,'PATH_SYMBOLS')) if url is None: raise MissingKernelsRemote(kernel) missing.append((url, kernel)) # Download the missing kernels. if missing: self._wget(set(missing)) # SET => avoid duplicates
def _wget(self, missing): """Download the missing kernels. To speed us the kernel retrieval multiple download threads are started at the same time (by default equal to the number of CPU seen by the ``multiprocessing`` library). Warning ------- Multi-thread download is disabled by default on windows (see #80). You need to explicitly enable it if you need to use it, with ``if __name__ == "__main__":`` syntax or in a Jupyter notebook. """ if self.n_threads > 1: with Pool(processes=self.n_threads) as p: p.starmap(wget, missing) else: for url, kernel in missing: wget(url, kernel)
[docs] def load_kernels(self): """Load the kernels listed in the metakernel into the SPICE pool. Note ---- If the SPICE pool already contains these kernels, nothing will append. If not, the pool is flushed and only the metakernels kernels are reloaded. """ if SpicePool != SpicePool.hash(self): 'The content of the pool changed -> the metakernel will be reloaded.') SpicePool.add(self, purge=True)
@property def title(self): """Metakernel title.""" title, _ = self._content.split('===\n', 1) return title.splitlines()[-2].strip() @property def description(self): """Metakernel description.""" _, desc = self._content.split('===\n', 1) if '\n\n\n' in desc: desc, _ = desc.split('\n\n\n', 1) if '\\begindata' in desc: desc, _ = desc.split('\\begindata', 1) return '\n'.join([ row.strip() for row in desc.splitlines() ]).strip() @property def summary(self): """Metakernel kernels content summary.""" return Html(table(get_summary(self.kernels))) @property def details(self): """Metakernel kernels content details.""" details = get_details(self.kernels) details['Kernels'] =['KERNELS_TO_LOAD'] # Use $ representation return Html(table(details)) @property def html(self): """HTML representation.""" # Title and description html = f'<h3>📚 {self.title}</h3>\n' if desc := self.description.replace("\n", "<br/>"): html += f'<p>{desc}</p>\n' # Properties html += '<hr/>\n' html += '<dl>\n' html += '<dt><b>Location:</b></dt>' html += f'<dd>{self.fname}</dd>\n' if 'SKD_VERSION' in html += '<dt><b>SKD version:</b></dt>' html += f'<dd>{["SKD_VERSION"]}</dd>\n' if 'MK_IDENTIFIER' in html += '<dt><b>MK identifier:</b></dt>' html += f'<dd>{["MK_IDENTIFIER"]}</dd>\n' # Replacement values if 'PATH_SYMBOLS' in and 'PATH_VALUES' in html += ''.join([ f'<dt><b>${key}</b></dt><dd>{value}</dd>\n' for key, value in zip(['PATH_SYMBOLS'],['PATH_VALUES'], ) ]) html += '</dl>\n' html += '<hr/>\n' # Details html += self.details.html return html
class MissingKernel(FileNotFoundError): """Missing kernel locally.""" def __init__(self, kernel, remote=None, symbols=None): msg = f'`{kernel}` was not found locally. ' msg += 'You can add `download=True` to download it automatically' msg += f' from `{remote}`' if remote else '' if symbols: _symbols = '|'.join([symbol.lower() for symbol in symbols]) msg += ' or/and you can change the kernel path value(s) by adding ' msg += f"`{_symbols}='path/to/my/kernels'`" msg += '.' super().__init__(msg) class MissingKernelsRemote(FileNotFoundError): """Missing kernels remote source.""" def __init__(self, kernel): msg = f'Impossible to download the missing kernel `{kernel}`. ' msg += "You need to provide a `remote='[https|http|ftp]://kernels.domain.tld/'`." super().__init__(msg)