Source code for planetary_coverage.spice.toolbox

"""SPICE toolbox helper module."""

import numpy as np

import spiceypy as sp

from .references import SpiceBody, SpiceInstrument, SpiceObserver, SpiceRef
from .times import et
from ..math.sphere import sph_pixel_scale
from ..math.vectors import norm, xyz

def is_iter(value):
    """Check if a value is iterable."""
    return isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))

def type_check(value, dtype, func=None):
    """Check input type.

    value: any
        Input value.
    dtype: type
        Expected type.
    func: function, optional
        Conversion function. Use dtype if `None` provided (default).

        Valid value type.

    return value if isinstance(value, dtype) else \
        dtype(value) if func is None else \

[docs]def deg(rad): """Convert radian angle in degrees.""" return np.multiply(rad, sp.dpr())
[docs]def rlonlat(pt): """Convert point location in planetocentric coordinates. Parameters ---------- pt: tuple Input XYZ cartesian coordinates. Returns ------- float, float, float - Point radius (in km). - East planetocentric longitude (in degree). - North planetocentric latitude (in degree). Note ---- - If the X and Y components of `pt` are both zero, the longitude is set to zero. - If `pt` is the zero vector, longitude and latitude are both set to zero. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.reclat """ big = np.max(np.abs(pt), axis=0) if np.ndim(pt) < 2: if big == 0: return 0, 0, 0 xyz = np.divide(pt, big) else: xyz = np.zeros_like(pt, dtype=float) np.divide(pt, big, where=big > 0, out=xyz, casting='unsafe') xyz[..., np.isnan(big)] = np.nan radius = big * np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(xyz, 2), axis=0)) lat_rad = np.arctan2(xyz[2], np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(xyz[:2], 2), axis=0))) lon_e_rad = np.zeros_like(radius) np.arctan2(xyz[1], xyz[0], out=lon_e_rad) return radius, deg(lon_e_rad) % 360, deg(lat_rad)
[docs]def planetographic(body, xyz): """Convert point location in planetographic coordinates. Parameters ---------- body: str or SpiceBody SPICE reference name or object. xyz: tuple Input XYZ cartesian coordinates, one or multiple point(s). Returns ------- float, float, float - Point altitude (in km). - East or West planetographic longitude (in degree). - North planetographic latitude (in degree). Raises ------ ValueError If the shape of the point(s) provided is not (3,) or (N, 3). Note ---- - Planetographic longitude can be positive eastward or westward. For bodies having prograde (aka direct) rotation, the direction of increasing longitude is positive west: from the +X axis of the rectangular coordinate system toward the -Y axis. For bodies having retrograde rotation, the direction of increasing longitude is positive east: from the +X axis toward the +Y axis. The Earth, Moon, and Sun are exceptions: planetographic longitude is measured positive east for these bodies. - Planetographic latitude is defined for a point P on the reference spheroid, as the angle between the XY plane and the outward normal vector at P. For a point P not on the reference spheroid, the planetographic latitude is that of the closest point to P on the spheroid. - You may need a `tpc` kernel loaded in to the SPICE pool to perform this type of calculation. See NAIF documentation for more details. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.recpgr """ body = type_check(body, SpiceBody) single = np.ndim(xyz) == 1 if np.shape(xyz)[-1] != 3: raise ValueError( f'Input dimension must be `(3,)` or `(N, 3)` not `{np.shape(xyz)}`.' ) lon_w_rad, lat_rad, alt_km = np.transpose([ sp.recpgr(str(body), [x, y, z],, body.f) for x, y, z in ([xyz] if single else xyz) ]) if single: lon_w_rad, lat_rad, alt_km = lon_w_rad[0], lat_rad[0], alt_km[0] return alt_km, deg(lon_w_rad), deg(lat_rad)
[docs]def ocentric2ographic(body, lon_e, lat): """Convert planetocentric to planetographic coordinates. Parameters ---------- body: str or SpiceBody SPICE reference name or object. lon_e: float East planetocentric longitude. lat: float North planetocentric latitude. Returns ------- float, float Planetographic longitude and latitude (in degrees) Raises ------ ValueError If the longitude and latitude inputs dimension are not the same. Note ---- - You may need a `tpc` kernel loaded in to the SPICE pool to perform this type of calculation. - By default we use the body mean radius (harmonic mean on the ellipsoid). See Also -------- SpiceBody.radius planetographic """ if np.shape(lon_e) != np.shape(lat): raise ValueError( 'East longitude and latitude inputs must have the same dimension: ' f'{np.shape(lon_e)} vs. {np.shape(lat)}' ) body = type_check(body, SpiceBody) return planetographic(body, xyz(lon_e, lat, r=body.radius))[1:]
[docs]def radec(vec): """Convert vector on the sky J2000 to RA/DEC coordinates. Parameters ---------- vec: tuple Input XYZ cartesian vector coordinates in J200 frame. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray, float or numpy.ndarray - Right-ascension (in degree). - Declination angle (in degree). See Also -------- rlonlat """ _, ra, dec = rlonlat(vec) return ra, dec
[docs]def azel(vec, az_spice=False, el_spice=True): """Convert vector in a reference frame into azimuth and elevation. Parameters ---------- vec: tuple Input XYZ cartesian vector coordinates in the reference frame. az_spice: bool, optional Use SPICE azimuth convention (counted counterclockwise). Default: ``False`` (counted clockwise). el_spice: bool, optional Use SPICE elevation convention (counted positive above XY plane, toward +Z). Default: ``True``. Otherwise, counted positive below XY plane, toward -Z. Returns ------- float, float, float - Azimuth angle from +X in XY plane (in degree). - Elevation angle above or below the XY plane (in degree). See Also -------- rlonlat station_azel """ _, az, el = rlonlat(vec) if not az_spice: az = (360 - az) % 360 if not el_spice: el *= -1 return az, el
[docs]def sub_obs_pt(time, observer, target, abcorr='NONE', method='NEAR POINT/ELLIPSOID'): """Sub-observer point calculation. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the observer location. observer: str Observer name. target: str or SpiceBody Target body name. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') method: str, optional Computation method to be used. Possible values: - 'NEAR POINT/ELLIPSOID' (default) - 'INTERCEPT/ELLIPSOID' - 'NADIR/DSK/UNPRIORITIZED[/SURFACES = <surface list>]' - 'INTERCEPT/DSK/UNPRIORITIZED[/SURFACES = <surface list>]' (See NAIF :func:`spiceypy.spiceypy.subpnt` for more details). Returns ------- (float, float, float) or numpy.ndarray Sub-observer XYZ coordinates in the target body fixed frame (expressed in km). If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in a (3, N) array. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.subpnt """ time = type_check(time, float, et) target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) # SPICE parameters targ = str(target) frame = str(target.frame) obs = str(observer) if is_iter(time): return np.transpose([ __sub_obs_pt(method, targ, t, frame, abcorr, obs) for t in time ]) return __sub_obs_pt(method, targ, time, frame, abcorr, obs)
def __sub_obs_pt(method, target, time, frame, abcorr, observer): """SPICE sub-observer point.""" xyz, *_ = sp.subpnt(method, target, time, frame, abcorr, observer) return xyz
[docs]def target_position(time, observer, target, *, abcorr='NONE'): """Sun position relative to the target. The vector starts from the observer to the target body: .. code-block:: text observer ------> target (km) Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the observer's center location. observer: str or SpiceRef Observer body name. target: str or SpiceRef Target body name. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') Returns ------- (float, float, float) or numpy.ndarray Target XYZ coordinates in the target body fixed frame (expressed in km). If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in a (3, N) array. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.spkpos sun_pos ang_size station_azel """ time = type_check(time, float, et) observer = type_check(observer, SpiceRef) target = type_check(target, SpiceRef) # SPICE parameters obs = str(observer) frame = str(observer.frame) targ = str(target) if is_iter(time): return np.transpose([ __pos(targ, t, frame, abcorr, obs) for t in time ]) return __pos(targ, time, frame, abcorr, obs)
def __pos(target, time, frame, abcorr, observer): """SPICE body position.""" xyz, _ = sp.spkpos(target, time, frame, abcorr, observer) return xyz
[docs]def sun_pos(time, target, *, abcorr='NONE'): """Sun position relative to the target. The vector starts from the target body to the Sun: .. code-block:: text target ------> Sun (km) Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the **target's center location**. target: str Target body name. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') Returns ------- (float, float, float) or numpy.ndarray Sun XYZ coordinates in the target body fixed frame (expressed in km). If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in a (3, N) array. See Also -------- target_position """ return target_position(time, target, SpiceBody('SUN'), abcorr=abcorr)
[docs]def angular_size(time, observer, target, *, abcorr='NONE'): """Angular size of a target as seen from an observer. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the observer's center location. observer: str or SpiceBody Observer body name. target: str or SpiceBody Target body name. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Target angular size seen from the observer (in degree). If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in an array. See Also -------- target_position """ target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) r_max = np.max(target.radii) xyz = target_position(time, observer, target, abcorr=abcorr) dist = norm(np.transpose(xyz)) return 2 * np.degrees(np.arcsin(r_max / dist))
[docs]def station_azel(time, target, station, *, abcorr='CN+S', az_spice=False, el_spice=True): """Compute azimuth and elevation of target seen from a station on Earth. .. code-block:: text station ------> target Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time **at the station location**. target: str or SpiceBody Target body name. station: str Name of the tracking station. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') az_spice: bool, optional Use SPICE azimuth convention (counted counterclockwise). Default: ``False`` (counted clockwise). el_spice: bool, optional Use SPICE elevation convention (counted positive above XY plane, toward +Z). Default: ``True``. Otherwise, counted positive below XY plane, toward -Z. Returns ------- float, float, float - Azimuth angle from +X in XY plane (in degree). - Elevation angle above or below the XY plane (in degree). See Also -------- target_position azel """ xyz = target_position(time, station, target, abcorr=abcorr) return azel(xyz, az_spice=az_spice, el_spice=el_spice)
[docs]def sc_state(time, spacecraft, target, abcorr='NONE'): """Spacecraft position and velocity relative to the target. The position vector starts from the target body to the spacecraft: .. code-block:: text target ------> spacecraft (km) The velocity vector correspond to the spacecraft motion (in km/s). Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the **spacecraft location**. spacecraft: str or SpiceSpacecraft Spacecraft name. target: str or SpiceBody Target body name. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') Returns ------- (float, float, float, float, float, float) or numpy.ndarray Spacecraft XYZ position and velocity coordinates in the target body fixed frame (expressed in km and km/s). If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in a (6, N) array. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.spkezr """ time = type_check(time, float, et) target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) # SPICE parameters targ = str(target) frame = str(target.frame) obs = str(spacecraft) if is_iter(time): return np.transpose([ __state(targ, t, frame, abcorr, obs) for t in time ]) return __state(targ, time, frame, abcorr, obs)
def __state(target, time, frame, abcorr, obs): """SPICE spacecraft state.""" state, _ = sp.spkezr(target, time, frame, abcorr, obs) return np.negative(state)
[docs]def attitude(time, observer, ref='J2000'): """C-matrix attitude. Based on `SPICE documentation <>`_ C-matrix (camera matrix) transforms the coordinates of a point in a reference frame (like J2000) into the instrument fixed coordinates: .. code-block:: text [ x_inst] [ ] [ x_J2000 ] | y_inst| = | C-matrix | | y_J2000 | [ z_inst] [ ] [ z_J2000 ] The transpose of a C-matrix rotates vectors from the instrument-fixed frame to the base frame: .. code-block:: text [ x_J2000] [ ]T [ x_inst ] | y_J2000| = | C-matrix | | y_inst | [ z_J2000] [ ] [ z_inst ] .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Fix C-matrix definition. The previous version was incorrect and returned the transpose of the C-matrix and not the C-matrix. See `issue #73 <>`_ for details. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the observer location. observer: str or SpiceSpacecraft or SpiceInstrument Spacecraft or instrument name. ref: str, optional Reference for the return pointing. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray C-matrix relative to the reference frame. If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in a (3, 3, N) array. Raises ------ ValueError If the observer provided is not a Spacecraft or an instrument. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.pxform """ time = type_check(time, float, et) observer = type_check(observer, SpiceObserver) frame = str(observer.frame) if is_iter(time): return np.moveaxis([ __attitude(ref, frame, t) for t in time ], 0, -1) return __attitude(ref, frame, time)
def __attitude(ref, frame, time): """SPICE attitude matrix.""" return sp.pxform(ref, frame, time)
[docs]def quaternions(attitude_matrix): """Compute the SPICE rotation quaternions. Parameters ---------- attitude_matrix: numpy.ndarray Attitude rotation matrix Returns ------- (float, float, float, float) or numpy.ndarray SPICE quaternions equivalent to the provided rotation matrix. If a list of attitude matrix was provided, the results will be stored in a (4, N) array. Raises ------ ValueError If the attitude matrix shape is not (3, 3) or (3, 3, N). See Also -------- attitude spiceypy.spiceypy.pxform """ shape = np.shape(attitude_matrix) if len(shape) < 2 or len(shape) > 3 or shape[:2] != (3, 3): raise ValueError(f'Input matrix shape: (3, 3) or (3, 3, N). {shape} provided') if len(shape) == 3: return np.transpose([ __quaternions(m.tolist()) for m in np.moveaxis(attitude_matrix, -1, 0) ]) return __quaternions(attitude_matrix)
def __quaternions(mat): """SPICE matrix to quaternion.""" return sp.m2q(mat)
[docs]def intersect_pt(time, observer, target, frame, ray, limb=False, abcorr='NONE', corloc='TANGENT POINT', method='ELLIPSOID'): """Intersection point on a target from a ray at the observer position. The intersection is primarily computed with the target surface. If no intersection was found and the :py:attr:`limb` flag is set to ``TRUE``, the intersection will be search on the target limb (defined as the impact parameter). When no value was find, a NaN array will be return. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the observer location. observer: str or SpiceSpacecraft or SpiceInstrument Spacecraft of instrument observer name. target: str or SpiceBody Target body name. frame: str Reference frame relative to which the ray's direction vector is expressed. ray: tuple or list of tuple Ray direction vector emanating from the observer. The intercept with the target body's surface of the ray defined by the observer and ray is sought. limb: bool, optional Compute the intersection on the limb impact parameter if no intersection with the surface was found. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE'). corloc: str, optional Aberration correction locus (default: 'TANGENT POINT'). Used only if ``limb=True``. method: str, optional Computation method to be used. (See NAIF :func:`spiceypy.spiceypy.sincpt` for more details). Returns ------- (float, float, float) or numpy.ndarray Surface/limb intersection XYZ position on the target body fixed frame (expressed in km). If a list of time/ray were provided, the results will be stored in a (3, N) array. Warning ------- Currently the limb intersection parameter is only available for ``abcorr='NONE'`` (an ``NotImplementedError`` will be raised). See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.sincpt spiceypy.spiceypy.tangpt """ time = type_check(time, float, et) target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) observer = type_check(observer, SpiceObserver) # SPICE parameters targ = str(target) targ_frame = str(target.frame) obs = str(observer) if is_iter(time) and np.ndim(ray) > 1: if len(time) != np.shape(ray)[0]: raise ValueError( 'The ephemeris times and ray vectors must have the same size: ' f'{len(time)} vs {len(ray)}' ) return np.transpose([ __intersect_pt(method, targ, t, targ_frame, abcorr, corloc, obs, frame, r, limb) for t, r in zip(time, ray) ]) if is_iter(time): return intersect_pt(time, observer, target, frame, [ray] * len(time), limb=limb, abcorr=abcorr, corloc=corloc, method=method) if np.ndim(ray) > 1: return intersect_pt([time] * np.shape(ray)[0], observer, target, frame, ray, limb=limb, abcorr=abcorr, corloc=corloc, method=method) return __intersect_pt(method, targ, time, targ_frame, abcorr, corloc, obs, frame, ray, limb)
def __intersect_pt(method, target, time, targ_frame, abcorr, corloc, obs, ref_frame, ray, limb): """SPICE intersection point. Use surface intersect point first and if no intersection and ``limb=True``, use tangent point method. """ try: xyz, *_ = sp.sincpt(method, target, time, targ_frame, abcorr, obs, ref_frame, ray) return xyz except sp.stypes.NotFoundError: if limb: xyz, *_ = sp.tangpt(method, target, time, targ_frame, abcorr, corloc, obs, ref_frame, ray) return xyz return np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])
[docs]def boresight_pt(time, observer, target, limb=False, abcorr='NONE', corloc='TANGENT POINT', method='ELLIPSOID'): """Surface intersection on a target from an instrument/spacecraft boresight. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the observer location. observer: str or SpiceSpacecraft or SpiceInstrument Spacecraft or instrument name. target: str or SpiceBody Target body name. limb: bool, optional Compute the intersection on the limb impact parameter if no intersection with the surface was found. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') corloc: str, optional Aberration correction locus (default: 'TANGENT POINT'). Used only if ``limb=True``. method: str, optional Computation method to be used. (See NAIF :func:`spiceypy.spiceypy.sincpt` for more details). Returns ------- (float, float, float) or numpy.ndarray Boresight intersection XYZ position on the target surface body fixed frame (expressed in km). If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in a (3, N) array. See Also -------- intersect_pt """ observer = type_check(observer, SpiceObserver) return intersect_pt(time, observer.spacecraft, target, str(observer.frame), observer.boresight, limb=limb, abcorr=abcorr, corloc=corloc, method=method)
[docs]def fov_pts(time, inst, target, limb=False, npt=24, abcorr='NONE', corloc='TANGENT POINT', method='ELLIPSOID'): """Surface intersection on a target from an instrument FOV rays. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the observer location. inst: str or SpiceInstrument Instrument name. target: str or SpiceBody Target body name. limb: bool, optional Compute the intersection on the limb impact parameter if no intersection with the surface was found. npt: int, optional Number of points in the field of view contour (default: 24). abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE'), corloc: str, optional Aberration correction locus (default: 'TANGENT POINT'). Used only if ``limb=True``. method: str, optional Computation method to be used. (See NAIF :func:`spiceypy.spiceypy.sincpt` for more details). Returns ------- (float, float, float) or numpy.ndarray Field of View intersection XYZ positions on the target surface body fixed frame (expressed in km). If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in a (3, N, M) array. `M` being the number of bound in the FOV. See Also -------- intersect_pt Note ---- In the general case, the last point should be different from the 1st one. You need to add the 1st point to the end of the list if you want to close the polygon of the footprint. """ inst = type_check(inst, SpiceInstrument) return np.moveaxis([ intersect_pt(time, inst.spacecraft, target, str(inst.frame), ray.copy(), limb=limb, abcorr=abcorr, corloc=corloc, method=method) for ray in inst.rays(npt=npt) ], 0, -1)
[docs]def target_separation(time, observer, target_1, target_2, *, shape_1='POINT', shape_2='POINT', abcorr='NONE'): """Angular target separation between two bodies seen from an observer. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the observer location. observer: str or SpiceSpacecraft or SpiceInstrument Spacecraft or instrument name. target_1: str or SpiceBody First target body name. target_2: str or SpiceBody Second target body name. shape_1: str, optional First target body shape model. Only ``'POINT'`` and ``'SPHERE'`` are accepted. If POINT selected (default) the target is considered to have no radius. If SPHERE selected the calculation will take into account the target radii (max value used). shape_2: str, optional Second target body shape model. See ``shape_1`` for details. target_2: str or SpiceBody Second target body name. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE'), Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Angular separation between the two targets (in degrees). If a list of :py:attr:`time` was provided, the results will be stored in an array. Note ---- At the moment (N0067), DSK shape are not supported and ``frame_1`` and ``frame_2`` are always set to ``'NULL'``. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.trgsep """ time = type_check(time, float, et) observer = type_check(observer, SpiceObserver) target_1 = type_check(target_1, SpiceBody) target_2 = type_check(target_2, SpiceBody) # SPICE parameters obs = str(observer) targ_1 = str(target_1) targ_2 = str(target_2) if is_iter(time): return np.transpose([ __target_separation(t, obs, targ_1, shape_1, targ_2, shape_2, abcorr) for t in time ]) return __target_separation(time, obs, targ_1, shape_1, targ_2, shape_2, abcorr)
def __target_separation(time, obs, targ_1, shape_1, targ_2, shape_2, abcorr): """SPICE angular target separation in degrees.""" rad = sp.trgsep(time, targ_1, shape_1, 'NULL', targ_2, shape_2, 'NULL', obs, abcorr) return np.degrees(rad)
[docs]def local_time(time, lon, target, lon_type='PLANETOCENTRIC'): """Local solar time. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the target surface point location. lon: float or list or tuple Longitude of surface point (degree). target: str Target body name. lon_type: str, optional Form of longitude supplied by the variable :py:attr:`lon`. Possible values: - `PLANETOCENTRIC` (default) - `PLANETOGRAPHIC` (See NAIF :func:`spiceypy.spiceypy.et2lst` for more details). Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Local solar time (expressed in decimal hours). If a list of :py:attr:`time` or :py:attr:`lon` were provided, the results will be stored in an array. Raises ------ ValueError If the :py:attr:`time` and :py:attr:`lon` are both arrays but their size don't match. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.et2lst """ time = type_check(time, float, et) target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) # SPICE parameters targ_id = int(target) rad_lon = np.radians(lon) if is_iter(time) and is_iter(lon): if len(time) != len(lon): raise ValueError( 'The ephemeris times and longitudes must have the same size: ' f'{len(time)} vs {len(lon)}' ) return np.transpose([ __local_time(t, targ_id, l, lon_type) for t, l in zip(time, rad_lon) ]) if is_iter(time): return local_time(time, [lon] * len(time), target, lon_type) if is_iter(lon): return local_time([time] * len(lon), lon, target, lon_type) return __local_time(time, targ_id, rad_lon, lon_type)
def __local_time(time, targ_id, rad_lon, lon_type): """SPICE solar local time.""" if np.isnan(rad_lon): return np.nan h, m, s, *_ = sp.et2lst(time, targ_id, rad_lon, lon_type) return h + m / 60 + s / 3600
[docs]def illum_angles(time, spacecraft, target, pt, abcorr='NONE', method='ELLIPSOID'): """Illumination angles. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the target surface point location. spacecraft: str Spacecraft name. target: str Target body name. pt: numpy.ndarray Surface point (XYZ coordinates). abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') method: str, optional Form of longitude supplied by the variable :py:attr:`lon`. Possible values: - `ELLIPSOID` (default) - `DSK/UNPRIORITIZED[/SURFACES = <surface list>]` (See NAIF :func:`spiceypy.spiceypy.ilumin` for more details). Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Solar incidence, emission and phase angles at the surface point (degrees). If a list of time were provided, the results will be stored in a (3, N) array. Raises ------ ValueError If the :py:attr:`time` and :py:attr:`lon` are both arrays but their size don't match. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.ilumin """ time = type_check(time, float, et) target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) # SPICE parameters targ = str(target) frame = str(target.frame) obs = str(spacecraft) if is_iter(time) and np.ndim(pt) > 1: if len(time) != np.shape(pt)[1]: raise ValueError( 'The ephemeris times and surface point must have the same size: ' f'{len(time)} vs {len(pt)}' ) return np.transpose([ __illum_angles(method, targ, t, frame, abcorr, obs, _pt) for t, _pt in zip(time, np.transpose(pt)) ]) if is_iter(time): return illum_angles(time, spacecraft, target, np.transpose([pt] * len(time)), abcorr=abcorr, method=method) if np.ndim(pt) > 1: return illum_angles([time] * np.shape(pt)[1], spacecraft, target, pt, abcorr=abcorr, method=method) return __illum_angles(method, targ, time, frame, abcorr, obs, pt)
def __illum_angles(method, target, time, frame, abcorr, obs, pt): """SPICE illumination angles.""" if np.isnan(np.max(pt)): return np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) *_, p, i, e = sp.ilumin(method, target, time, frame, abcorr, obs, pt) return np.degrees([i, e, p])
[docs]def solar_longitude(time, target, abcorr='NONE'): """Seasonal solar longitude (degrees). Compute the angle from the vernal equinox of the main parent body. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the target's center location. target: str Target body name. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Solar longitude angle(s) (degrees). If a list of :py:attr:`time` were provided, the results will be stored in an array. Note ---- If the target parent is not the SUN the target will be change for its own parent. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.lspcn """ time = type_check(time, float, et) target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) # SPICE parameters targ = str(target) if target.parent != 'SUN': solar_longitude(time, target.parent, abcorr=abcorr) if is_iter(time): return np.transpose([ __ls(targ, t, abcorr) for t in time ]) return __ls(targ, time, abcorr)
def __ls(target, time, abcorr): """SPICE solar longitude.""" return np.degrees(sp.lspcn(target, time, abcorr))
[docs]def true_anomaly(time, target, abcorr='NONE', frame='ECLIPJ2000'): """Target orbital true anomaly (degrees). The angular position of the target in its orbit compare to its periapsis. Parameters ---------- time: float or list or tuple Ephemeris Time or UTC time input(s). It refers to time at the target's center location. target: str Target body name. abcorr: str, optional Aberration correction (default: 'NONE') frame: str, optional Inertial frame to compute the state vector (default: `ECLIPJ2000`). Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray True anomaly angle (degrees). If a list of :py:attr:`time` were provided, the results will be stored in an array. See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.spkezr spiceypy.spiceypy.oscltx """ time = type_check(time, float, et) target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) # SPICE parameters parent = str(target.parent) targ = str(target) mu = if is_iter(time): return np.transpose([ __true_anomaly(parent, t, frame, abcorr, targ, mu) for t in time ]) return __true_anomaly(parent, time, frame, abcorr, targ, mu)
def __true_anomaly(parent, time, frame, abcorr, target, mu): """SPICE true_anomaly.""" state = __state(parent, time, frame, abcorr, target) nu = sp.oscltx(state, time, mu)[8] return np.degrees(nu)
[docs]def groundtrack_velocity(target, state): """Groundtrack velocity (km/s). Speed motion of the sub-observer point along the groundtrack. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Fix the formula. The previous one was incorrect. See `issue #35 <>`_ for details. Caution ------- This speed does not correspond to the norm of the rejection of the velocity vector of the observer in the target fixed frame. Warning ------- This formula is only valid for a spheroid elongated along the axis of rotation (``c``). It is not correct for a generic ellipsoid. No aberration correction is applied. Parameters ---------- target: str Target body name. state: str Target -> observer state position and velocity vectors. Computed at the observer time. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Ground track velocity (km/s). If a list of :py:attr:`state` is provided, the results will be stored in an array. Raises ------ ValueError If the :py:attr:`state` arrays doesn't have the good shape. Note ---- The tangential speed is obtained as product of the local radius of the observed body with the tangential angular speed: .. code-block:: text latitudinal component ^ x | / | / <- tangential component |/ o----> longitudinal component (the cos is to compensate the 'shrinking' of longitude increasing the latitude) See Also -------- spiceypy.spiceypy.recgeo spiceypy.spiceypy.dgeodr spiceypy.spiceypy.mxv """ target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) # SPICE parameters re, _, rp = target.radii # target equatorial and polar radii f = (re - rp) / re # target flattening factor shape = np.shape(state) if len(shape) < 1 or len(shape) > 2 or shape[0] != 6: raise ValueError(f'Input matrix shape: (6,) or (6, N). {shape} provided') if len(shape) == 2: return np.transpose([ __gt_speed(s, re, rp, f) for s in np.transpose(state) ]) return __gt_speed(state, re, rp, f)
def __gt_speed(state, re, rp, f): """SPICE groundtrack velocity.""" xyz, v = state[:3], state[3:] # Local radius _, lat, _ = sp.recgeo(xyz, re, f) r = re * rp / (np.sqrt((re ** 2 * np.sin(lat) ** 2) + (rp ** 2 * np.cos(lat) ** 2))) # Geodetic speed jacobi = sp.dgeodr(*xyz, re, f) vlon, vlat, _ = sp.mxv(jacobi, v) # Longitudinal, latitudinal and radial components # Groundtrack speed return np.sqrt(r**2 * ((vlon * np.cos(lat))**2 + vlat**2))
[docs]def pixel_scale(inst, target, emi, dist): """Instrument pixel resolution (km/pixel). Only the cross-track iFOV is used and projected on the target body in spherical geometry (corrected from the local emission angle). Parameters ---------- target: str or SpiceBody Target body name. inst: str or SpiceInstrument Instrument name. emi: float, list or numpy.ndarray Local emission angle (in degrees). dist: float, list or numpy.ndarray Distance from the observer to the target body center (in km). Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Local instrument pixel resolution (km/pix). See Also -------- planetary_coverage.math.sphere.sph_pixel_scale """ target = type_check(target, SpiceBody) inst = type_check(inst, SpiceInstrument) return sph_pixel_scale(emi, inst.ifov_cross_track, dist, target.radius)