Source code for planetary_coverage.trajectory.fovs

"""Trajectory instrument field of view (FOV) module."""

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PathCollection
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.path import Path

from ..misc import cached_property, logger
from ..spice import check_kernels
from ..spice.toolbox import fov_pts, rlonlat

log_fovs, debug_fovs = logger('Trajectory FOVs')

[docs]class FovsCollection: """Instrument field of views collection. Parameters ---------- traj: InstrumentTrajectory Input instrument trajectory. npts: int, optional Number of points in the FOV contour. limb: bool, optional Compute the intersection on the limb impact parameter if no intersection with the surface was found. """ def __init__(self, traj, npts=25, limb=True): self.traj = traj self.npts = npts self.limb = limb def __repr__(self): return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> ' f'Observer: {} | ' f'Target: {} | ' f'Nb of pts: {len(self.traj)} | ' f'Contour pts: {self.npts} | ' f'Limb: {self.limb}' ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.collection(*args, **kwargs) def __hash__(self): """Kernels hash.""" return hash(self.traj) @property def kernels(self): """Trajectory required kernels.""" return self.traj.kernels @property def observer(self): """Trajectory observer.""" return @property def target(self): """Trajectory target.""" return @property def npts(self): """Number of points in the FOV contour.""" return self.__npts @npts.setter def npts(self, n): """FOV contour number of points setter.""" del self.pts self.__npts = n @cached_property @check_kernels def pts(self): """Instrument FOV points. Note ---- Currently the intersection method is fixed internally as ``method='ELLIPSOID'``. """ log_fovs.debug('Compute FOV intersection points.') res = fov_pts( self.traj.ets,,, limb=self.limb, npt=self.npts - 1, abcorr=self.traj.abcorr, method='ELLIPSOID') # Close the polygon res = np.dstack([res, res[..., 0]]) log_fovs.debug('Result: %r', res) return res @cached_property(parent='pts') def rlonlat(self): """Instrument FOV intersect coordinates. Returns ------- np.ndarray Boresight surface intersect planetocentric coordinates: radii, east longitudes and latitudes. See Also -------- .pts """ log_fovs.debug('Compute FOV intersects planetocentric coordinates.') return rlonlat(self.pts) @cached_property(parent='rlonlat') def paths(self): """Instrument FOV surface paths. Note ---- If all the points are above the limb the path is set to ``None``. See Also -------- .rlonlat """ log_fovs.debug('Compute FOV paths.') r_max = max( return [ Path(rlonlat[..., 1:]) if np.min(rlonlat[..., 0]) < r_max else None for rlonlat in np.moveaxis(self.rlonlat, 0, -1) ]
[docs] def get_colors(self, attr, cmap='turbo_r', vmin=None, vmax=None): """Get colors for a given attribute and an optional range. Parameters ---------- attr: str Attribute to color. vmin: int or float, optional Color scaling min value. If ``None`` is provided (default) the data are scaled to the lowest (not-NaN) value. vmax: int or float, optional Color scaling max value. If ``None`` is provided (default) the data are scaled to the lowest (not-NaN) value. cmap: str, optional Matplotlib colormap name (default: ``turbo_r``) Returns ------- str If the attribute is not part of the trajectory (e.g. pure color string). numpy.ndarray Normalized RGB color array. Raises ------ ValueError If the data to represent is not a 1D array. """ if not isinstance(attr, str) or not hasattr(self.traj, attr): return attr data = getattr(self.traj, attr) if np.ndim(data) != 1: raise ValueError('The data need to be a 1D array.') if vmin is None: vmin = np.nanmin(data) if vmax is None: vmax = np.nanmax(data) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) norm = Normalize(vmin, vmax) return cmap(norm(data))
[docs] def isort(self, attr, reverse=None): """Get sorting indexes for a given attribute.""" if not isinstance(attr, str) or not hasattr(self.traj, attr): raise KeyError(f'Unknown attribute `{attr}` in Trajectory.') order = np.argsort(getattr(self.traj, attr)) if reverse is None: # The order is reversed by default for `inc`, `dist` and `alt` reverse = attr in ['inc', 'dist', 'alt'] return order[::-1] if reverse else order
[docs] def collection(self, edgecolors=None, facecolors='none', vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='turbo_r', label=None, sort=None, reverse=None, **kwargs) -> PathCollection: """Instrument field of view paths collection. Parameters ---------- edgecolors: str, optional Color of the patch contours. This could be a :class:`.Trajectory` property. facecolors: str, optional Color of the patch face. This could be a :class:`.Trajectory` property. vmin: int or float Color scaling min value. If ``None`` is provided (default) the data are scaled to the lowest (not-NaN) value. vmax: int or float Color scaling max value. If ``None`` is provided (default) the data are scaled to the lowest (not-NaN) value. cmap: str, optional Matplotlib colormap name (default: ``turbo_r``) label: str, optional Collection legend label (default: observer name). sort: str, optional Patches sorting on display (default: ``utc``). reverse: bool, optional Reverse patches sorting (default: ``False``). **kwargs: Keyword attributes for :class:`matplotlib.collections.PathCollection`. """ paths = self.paths colors = {'cmap': cmap, 'vmin': vmin, 'vmax': vmax} facecolors = self.get_colors(facecolors, **colors) edgecolors = self.get_colors(edgecolors, **colors) if sort: ind = self.isort(sort, reverse=reverse) paths = np.array(paths)[ind] if isinstance(facecolors, np.ndarray): facecolors = facecolors[ind, ...] if isinstance(edgecolors, np.ndarray): edgecolors = edgecolors[ind, ...] if label is None: label = str('_', ' ') kwargs.update({ 'paths': paths, 'facecolors': facecolors, 'edgecolors': edgecolors, 'label': label, }) return PathCollection(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_paths(self): """Collection paths.""" return self.paths
[docs] @staticmethod def get_alpha(default=None): """Default transparencies.""" return default
[docs] @staticmethod def get_facecolor(default='tab:orange'): """Default facecolors.""" return default
[docs] @staticmethod def get_edgecolor(default=None): """Default edgecolors.""" return default
[docs] @staticmethod def get_linewidth(default=1.5): """Default linewidth.""" return default
[docs] @staticmethod def get_linestyle(default='solid'): """Default linestyle.""" return default
[docs] @staticmethod def get_zorder(default=1): """Default zorder.""" return default
[docs] @staticmethod def get_label(default=''): """Default label.""" return default
[docs]class MaskedFovsCollection(FovsCollection): """Masked field of views collection.""" def __init__(self, fovs, mask): super().__init__(fovs.traj, npts=fovs.npts, limb=fovs.limb) self.mask = mask @cached_property def paths(self): """Masked instrument FOV surface paths. Note ---- If all the points are above the limb the path is set to ``None``. """ return [ None if masked else path for path, masked in zip(self.traj.fovs.paths, self.mask) ]
[docs]class SegmentedFovsCollection(FovsCollection): """Segmented field of views collection."""